1. China's Rapid Population Growth
China is home to an astonishing one-fifth of the world's population, with an estimated 34 babies being born every single minute! This means that the population of China is growing rapidly, and it is no surprise that it is the most populous country in the world. With such a large population, it is no wonder that China is a major player in the global economy.
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Advertisement2. Home to 13 Bird Species & Biodiversity Hotspot
China is home to an incredible variety of bird species, boasting a total of 1314 different species as of 2015. Of these, two have been introduced by humans: the Crested bobwhite and the Java sparrow. This makes China the most biodiverse place in the world for birds, with more species than anywhere else.
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3. Living Fossil: Ginkgo Unchanged for 200 Million Years
China is home to the Ginkgo, the oldest tree in the world and a living fossil that has remained unchanged for over 200 million years. This remarkable tree is highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, believed to improve concentration and memory. Its medicinal properties have been used for centuries, and it is still widely used today to treat a variety of ailments. The Ginkgo is a symbol of strength and longevity, and its presence in China is a reminder of the country's rich history and culture.
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4. The Four Great Inventions of Gunpowder
The discovery of gunpowder in China is one of the world's four great inventions, and it has had a lasting impact on the world. It was first used to create fireworks, and its invention is credited to Chinese alchemists in the 9th century. Gunpowder has since been used in a variety of applications, from military weaponry to fireworks displays. Its discovery has been a major factor in the development of modern civilization, and it continues to be an important part of Chinese culture today.
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Advertisement5. The History of Paper
In 105 AD, the Chinese revolutionized the world of writing by inventing paper. This revolutionary material was made from a combination of mulberry plant fibers, old rags, fishnets, and hemp waste. The paper then made its way to the western countries through the Silk Road, a network of trade routes that connected China to the Mediterranean. This invention changed the way people wrote and communicated, and its impact is still felt today.
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6. The History of Fingerprints in China
As early as 700 A.D., the Chinese were using fingerprints to sign legal documents. This practice was continued by the Qin Dynasty, who also used fingerprints, along with hand- and footprints, as evidence at crime scenes. This makes China one of the earliest civilizations to use fingerprints as a form of identification, and it is a practice that has been used for centuries.
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7. China's Water Crisis: A Growing Health Crisis
In China, the majority of the population is drinking polluted water due to the country's rapidly growing population and lack of environmental oversight. This has caused a huge increase in both the demand and pollution of China's water reserves, leading to a serious health crisis for many of its citizens. The Chinese government has taken steps to address the issue, but the situation remains dire, with many people still having to rely on contaminated water sources for their daily needs.
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Advertisement8. Chinese Fortune Cookies: An American Twist
Contrary to popular belief, fortune cookies are not a Chinese custom. In fact, they were invented in San Fransisco during the early 1900s. This was so popular that in 1989, fortune cookies were even imported and sold in Hong Kong as "genuine American fortune cookies". This shows that the Chinese have embraced the American invention and have made it their own.
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9. The History and Culture of Tea in China
For over two millennia, China has been cultivating tea, with a popular legend claiming that it was discovered by Emperor Shennong when a leaf from a nearby plant fell into the boiling water he was drinking. This story has been passed down through the generations, and is still widely believed today. Tea has become an integral part of Chinese culture, with many different varieties being produced in different regions of the country. Tea ceremonies are also popular, with the Chinese taking great pride in the preparation and presentation of their tea.
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10. The renminbi: China's Official Currency
China's official currency, the renminbi, is aptly named, meaning "the people's currency". The basic unit of the renminbi is the yuan, similar to the British sterling and pound. The yuan is divided into 10 jiao, and each jiao is divided into 10 fen. The renminbi is issued in both paper and coin form, with the paper notes ranging from 1 jiao to 100 yuan, and the coins ranging from 1 fen to 1 yuan.
More facts on
- People's Republic of China
- Chinese-speaking countries and territories
- BRICS nations
- East Asian countries
- Communist states