Ten fun facts about Pythagoras

Ten fun facts about Pythagoras

1. " Discoverer of the Pythagorean Theorem"

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, is renowned for his discovery of the Pythagorean theorem, a fundamental theorem of geometry. This theorem states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. This theorem has been used for centuries in mathematics and engineering, and is still widely used today. Pythagoras was the first to prove this theorem, and it is named after him in recognition of his pioneering work.

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2. The First Person to Suggest the Earth Was Round

Pythagoras is renowned for being the first person to suggest that the Earth was round, a revolutionary idea for the time. This was a major breakthrough in the understanding of the world, as it challenged the widely accepted belief that the Earth was flat. Pythagoras' suggestion was based on his observations of the stars and the moon, which he believed to be spherical in shape. His theory was further supported by the fact that ships appeared to sink below the horizon as they sailed away, suggesting that the Earth was curved. This groundbreaking idea of Pythagoras has since been accepted as fact and has been a cornerstone of scientific knowledge for centuries.

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3. The Mysterious History of the Pythagorean Brotherhood

The renowned mathematician Pythagoras is renowned for his secret society, the Pythagorean Brotherhood, which is said to have had a profound influence on groups such as the Freemasonry. This ancient society was founded by Pythagoras in the 6th century BC and was based on the principles of mathematics, philosophy, and religious mysticism. It is believed that the Pythagorean Brotherhood was the first of its kind and that its teachings have been passed down through the centuries, inspiring the formation of other secret societies such as the Freemasonry.

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4. How Orphism Shaped Greek Thought

Pythagoras and Plato were both heavily influenced by the ancient Greek religious movement known as Orphism. This likely explains why the two thinkers shared a similar approach to their work, as Orphism was known for its emphasis on the soul's journey to the afterlife and the importance of living a moral life. It is believed that this shared influence was a major factor in the development of their respective philosophies.

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5. The Mathematical Genius Who Believed in the Stars

Pythagoras is widely credited with the revolutionary idea that the stars and planets move according to mathematical equations. Although this notion has been met with some skepticism, it has been a cornerstone of modern astronomy and has been used to explain the motion of celestial bodies for centuries. Pythagoras' insight into the mathematical nature of the universe has been a major influence on the development of science and mathematics.

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6. Aristotle considered Pythagoras a divine figure

Aristotle, one of the most influential philosophers of all time, held Pythagoras in high regard, believing him to be a supernatural being or divine figure. He was so impressed by Pythagoras' knowledge and wisdom that he considered him to be a messenger from the gods, a figure of immense power and influence. Pythagoras' teachings, which focused on mathematics, music, and philosophy, have had a lasting impact on the world, and his legacy continues to this day.

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7. The Philosopher Who Believed in Reincarnation

Pythagoras was a philosopher who believed in the concept of reincarnation, believing that people were reborn into any form of life until they achieved immortality. He believed that the soul was immortal and that it could be reborn into any form, including animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. He also believed that the soul could be purified through a series of reincarnations, eventually leading to a state of perfect knowledge and understanding.

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8. Father of Philosophical Thought

Pythagoras was a renowned philosopher and mathematician who founded an organization that was similar to a school. This organization was open to both men and women, and members were required to make a vow to each other. Within this organization, members studied and discussed religious and philosophical theories, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. This organization was a major influence in the development of the philosophical and religious thought of the time.

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9. What We Know About Pythagoras

Despite being one of the most influential figures in the history of philosophy, surprisingly little is known about the actual philosophical views of Pythagoras. His teachings were largely based on mathematics and geometry, and he is credited with the discovery of the Pythagorean theorem. However, the extent of his knowledge and the details of his philosophical views remain largely a mystery. It is believed that he was a proponent of the idea of reincarnation, and that he believed in the power of numbers to explain the universe. Despite this, the full scope of his teachings and beliefs remain largely unknown.

AlsoAl-Battani, 9th century mathematician, pioneer in trigonometry

10. The mystery of Pythagoras' death

The cause of death of the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras remains a mystery. Some sources suggest that he died in a temple surrounded by his disciples, while others claim that he chose to starve himself to death. Whatever the truth may be, it is clear that the legacy of Pythagoras and his teachings continue to influence the world today.

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Short about Pythagoras
An Ionian Greek philosopher and mathematician.

